Classification: Kingdom
Amaranthaceae are flowering plants
165 genera
2,040 species
Include annuals and perennial herbs and shrubs.
What belongs to Amaranthaceae

Silverbeet / Swiss Chard This green leafy vegetable is a must for every garden. It is related to the beetroot and you’ll see this in the shape and colour of…
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Scientific Classifications
- Bryophyte
- including conifers and angiosperms flowering plants The main three things that defined these plants are the Vascular system that distributes via tissues the resources to the plant. There are two main parts of the system the Phloem and Xylem and together they form a vascular bundles. They have two sets of chromosomes per cell They have roots, leaves and stems.">Traceophytes
Super Divisions
- Anthocerotophyta
- Bryophyta
- Cycadophyta
- Ginkgophyta
- Gnetophyta
- Lycopodiophyta
- Marchantiophyta
- Pinophyta
- Pteridophyta
- land plants which are a subset of the Traceophytes - vascular land plants. There are five divisions of Spermatophytes Magnoliophyta - the flowering plants. Angiosperms - produce seeds enclosed in a fruit. Cycadphyta - cycads Gingophyta - the single species of tree the Gingko Pinophyta - cone bearing trees - conifers Gnetophyta - various woody plants">Spermatophytes
- Aizoaceae
- Amaranthaceae
- Amaryllidaceae
- Apiaceae
- 1,2,3,5,8,13... which creates a spiral.">Asteraceae
- Brassicaceae
- Curcurbitales
- chia mint, rosemary, savory, oregano, thyme, marjoram and lavender. There are over 236 different genera/groups within the Lamiaceae and within these groups over 7000 species. The largest genera of all is Salvia with 900.">Lamiaceae
- Oxalidaceae
- Solanaceae
- Verbenaceae